187 results total, viewing 121 - 140

Iglesia Vida Block Party

Iglesia Vida San Diego with Pastor Noeman Diaz hosted on Saturday March 12, 2022 a food distribution in partnership with the La Mesa Police Department as well as hosted a block party for the people … more

Timeless truths for tired pastors

With the new Omicron variant of the COVID virus, there is an all-too-familiar (and unfortunate) flood of thoughts, opinions, new “experts” (those reading and watching too much of either … more

Quest Church Country Christmas Festival

Each year Quest Church helps the city of Alpine, a rural mountain community in San Diego, host the Alpine Snow Festival and Parade of Lights. Unfortunately, due to permit restrictions, the community … more

Bearing burdens in a Pacific paradise

California church cares for a family facing a life-threatening pregnancy and a recommended abortion. La Jolla is beautiful. The San Diego County neighborhood is known for its rugged coastlines and … more

H.o.p.e. Toy Drive

On Sunday December 19th, 2021 New Vision Church had their annual H.O.P.E. Toy Drive. Every child ages 0 - 11 got a FREE TOY! It was an all free family fun event filled with free toys, carnival games … more

Living Nativity

Luke 2:10-18 (NIV) But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is … more

Mar Vista Church

Mar Vista Baptist Church was blessed to use the block party trailer for its very first Trunk or Treat outreach.  This outreach was part of our revitalization efforts for building up the church … more

Life Explored

God is Good and works powerfully through His Scripture. After finishing an almost 2 year stint in the book of Acts at the beginning of this year, King's Cross Church was inspired to be more active in … more

Two North County Churches – New Locations

Judy and I recently visited two of our newer churches in San Diego County. Anthem Church, now in Vista, and LifePoint Church, now in Carlsbad. Pastor Mark Finnigan leads LifePoint Church. Pastor … more

Encanto Southern Baptist Church Community Services

The Encanto community is extremely diverse.  The Encanto Southern Baptist Church vision is, “To become a diverse family united by faith in the Gospel, motivated by love for God and others … more

Local Haitian Pastors Helping Migrants Get From Texas to San Diego

The Biden Administration said at least 1,000 migrants gathered at the U.S.-Mexico border in Del Rio, Texas, have been deported to Haiti, but thousands more remain. Pastors from Haitian churches in … more

Pathways Church Baptisms

Pathways Church of Santee, California gathered at La Jolla Shores this past month for fun, fellowship, worship and the baptism of 16 people. Children, Teens, and adults of all ages publicly … more

Baptism at Crown Point Bay

It was a joy to witness 6 members of King’s Cross Church get baptized at the Crown Point Bay in San Diego. Over 150 people were in attendance. It was a beautiful time to celebrate all Jesus … more

Vacation Bible School

Highpoint Church had their Vacation Bible School (VBS) August 9th -August 13th.  The curriculum that was used was Concrete & Cranes from Lifeway.  Concrete & Cranes builds on the … more

Back to School Refugee Community Outreach Event

Agape Myanmar Mission had their back to school outreach project on August 21, 2021 at Ibarra Elementary school.  It was a great success providing school backpacks and school supplies to 300 … more

Maranatha Ethiopian Christian Fellowship

The Lord has been good to Maranatha Ethiopian Christian Fellowship during this Covid time. We have been preaching, teaching and praying seven days a week twice a day. The services were by Zoom, … more

Litton joins California Baptists in migrant ministry on border

SAN DIEGO, Calif. (BP) – After a week filled with vision-casting and preparation for the 2022 SBC Annual Meeting in Anaheim, SBC President Ed Litton spent time in hands-on ministry … more

Building a Home in Tijuana

Mission Trails Church has had the privilege of building homes in Tijuana and Rosarito for 9 of the last 10 years.  Amor Ministries ( ) has been serving the poor in Mexico since 1980 by … more

Vacation Bible School Reflection

"Children are a gift from the Lord, they are a reward from him." (Psalm 127:3). Children are a gift and as someone who recently had the opportunity to serve our kids ministry in VBS, I got to see how … more

Count the Cost is Alive!

This past week over 50 pastors, leaders, and their wives from across California gathered at the Hyatt Regency in La Jolla for a Count the Cost Summit. The purpose of the meeting was to reconnect … more
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