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February LA Fire Update from Kendrick Neal

For over a month, our Disaster Relief volunteers have been on the ground, providing help, hope, and healing to those affected by the LA Fires. From the moment the fires began, we coordinated efforts … more

California Baptists feed Los Angeles fire responders and survivors, deploy chaplain teams

LOS ANGELES – California Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) began providing meals at an area disaster relief hub Wednesday, Jan. 15, and deployed two chaplain teams to provide spiritual … more

California Church Plant Witnesses Stories of Redemption in a Military Community

A year and a half into church planting, Daniel Carter was ready to quit. The members of his church were being deployed or assigned to different military bases all around the country faster than new … more

Rolland Slade to be Nominated as President of CSBC

CLOVIS, California – El Cajon pastor Rolland Slade will be nominated for President of the California Southern Baptist Convention at the 2023 annual meeting in Clovis. Slade, who is a … more

San Diego Southern Baptist Association Celebrates 80th Anniversary of God’s Goodness

It is considered an enormous blessing when the LORD sends rain in a drought-susceptible area of Southern California (SoCal). The winter storm did not hinder… more

Better Together

The California convention is coming October 25 – 26 and your Committee on Convention Operations is pleased to announce this year’s slate of convention speakers. You can click … more

Count the Cost Champions gather in Southern California for robust training

WESTLAKE VILLAGE–California Southern Baptist leaders from across the state gathered July 17-20 for what most understood to be a traditional Count the Cost training. It proved to be much … more

AB 506 Compliance Tools and Support

In our role of serving ministries in California, the California Southern Baptist Convention is working to develop authoritative resources for the ministries we serve. We’ve been following the … more

The Baptist Foundation of California Increases Investment Rates for Churches and Ministries

The Baptist Foundation of California (BFCal) is proud to announce it has increased its fixed fund rates. Starting July 1, churches and ministry organizations can earn 3% per year with BFCal’s … more

Prayerful Korean Baptists gather for 41st annual meeting

Korean Christians are known by many for the fervency of their praying. People from “the land of morning calm,” as South Korea is known, start with prayer each morning, and at church each … more

Anaheim pastor Chayasirisobhon elected SBC 1st VP

ANAHEIM—If Southern Baptists want to speak with a local church leader, an associational leader, a state convention leader and a Southern Baptist Convention leader, they only need to make one … more

McLaurin: ‘I believe the trust within our denomination can be rebuilt’

ANAHEIM, Calif. (BP) – Strengthen the partnership of the more than 50,000 congregations that cooperate in the work of the Southern Baptist Convention, Willie McLaurin exhorted messengers to the … more

Hispanics fellowship, worship, learn during Hispanic Celebration at SBC22

ANAHEIM, Calif. (BP) – On Sunday night, June 12, 500 Hispanic pastors, wives, missionaries and leaders gathered for a night of fellowship, worship and encouragement in the Anaheim Convention … more

Lifeway president: ‘Let us provoke one another in love’ during SBC 2022

California’s iconic redwood trees offer an apt metaphor for Southern Baptists in these challenging times: “We are stronger together.” That was the message Ben Mandrell, president … more

Remember the mission

EDITOR’S NOTE: This essay from Robin Hadaway is published in conjunction with essays from Tom Ascol and Bart Barber. Ascol, Barber and Hadaway are the three known candidates to … more

Rashional Thoughts: We need each other’s prayers and encouragement now more than ever

As you pull this week’s issue out of the mailbox or click on the PDF in your inbox, our team is putting the final touches on coverage plans for the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in … more

Real-time language translation available for SBC annual meeting through app

NASHVILLE (BP) – Messengers and guests at the 2022 SBC Annual Meeting (June 14-15) in Anaheim, Calif., will have the opportunity to hear real-time translation of the proceedings in multiple … more

Kids Ministry Leaders Gathering in Anaheim

We are better together! The OCSBA invites all SBC Kids Ministry Leaders to a time of connection and strengthening at the Annual Meeting. Jana Magruder and Chuck Peters will encourage us and update us … more

2022 SBC Pastors' Conference

The Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference in Anaheim, California exists to help everyday pastors embrace endurance in the trenches of gospel ministry through engaging worship that … more

SBC Annual Meeting

The SBC Annual Meeting will be four full days of equipping, and inspiration. With nearly 200 ancillary meetings, events, and gatherings throughout the week, you’ll connect with leaders and … more
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