176 results total, viewing 1 - 20

California Baptists feed Los Angeles fire responders and survivors, deploy chaplain teams

LOS ANGELES – California Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) began providing meals at an area disaster relief hub Wednesday, Jan. 15, and deployed two chaplain teams to provide spiritual … more

From Hollowed to Hallowed

Emily Houlsworth strolled the car-lined parking lot with a mostly forgotten pumpkin bucket dangling from her hand. Her wide eyes flitted as soldiers, ballerinas, princesses, and firemen darted and … more

Leading in community: You can’t lead solo

After two decades in ministry, by far the hardest part has been feeling like I’m navigating seasons of leadership alone. Calendars are filled with events, Bible studies, and fellowships for … more

3 ways to develop an ‘attitude of gratitude’ this fall

When Thanksgiving arrives on the fourth Thursday in November, how will the families in this … more

End of Summer Celebration

On August 18th, 2024, King’s Cross Church hosted its first-ever End-of-Summer Celebration for the community! As a last Summer hurrah, we invited the La Jolla and PB community to come join us at … more

Never Forget the Veterans on Freedom Day!

July 4, 2024, is a special day for millions of Americans. Americans have been commemorating the holiday for 248 years since July 4, 1776, the official beginning of the Nation and the day Americans … more

Easter at Quest Church - Rain or Shine

This Easter, on March 31, 2024, Quest Church San Diego partnered with the San Diego Southern Baptist Association and the Baptist Foundation to host multiple services and community outreaches in East … more

The one Verse that changed our Parenting

Recently in a conversation with a young man in our church, he mentioned Jordan Peterson’s book as the most formative place to find direction. For him, it was a functional bible, a source of … more

New Seasons Church Annual Harvest Fest

On Sunday, October 29, 2023, New Seasons Church had its Annual Harvest Festival, with 80 people attending.  New Seasons Harvest Festival is an event that gives children, parents, members, and … more

Fun Run at Kate Sessions Park

King's Cross Church in San Diego had an event that was an inflatable costume Fun Run at Kate Sessions Park!  There were 70-80 costumed runner participants, and 120 people attended throughout the … more

Pathways Community Church Vacation Bible School

Pathways Community Church had its Vacation Bible School Activity Day on Friday, July 21, 2023.  Lots of seeds were planted and watered in the lives of the children who attended and … more

Mission Trails Church Community Potluck

On August 6th, Mission Trails Church got the whole church together for a party and potluck. Since we have had a lot of new faces recently attending, and because we have two services on a Sunday, we … more

The Hills Community Church Outreach

Thank you so much for supporting The Hills Community Church!  We had our biggest outreach ever on Sunday, August 13th, with Back to School Sunday!  We prayed over almost 20 educators and … more

Pillar Church San Diego

On Saturday, July 22nd, Pillar Church San Diego had a 'Grill and Chill' block party.  Our Block Party event was a complete success! We had a missions team from Georgia there to support us, … more

Bethel Baptist Church July Block Party

Once again, the Annual 4th of July Block Party outreach in Temecula was a success! Bethel Baptist Church hosted the block party.  One of our highest attended years, with over 180 people... more

Bright Hope Community Church

Abiding in Christ and loving our community! That was the focus of the event that Bright Hope Community Church hosted on Saturday, July 15, 2023, on their campus in Skyline/Paradise Hills. The … more

Outreach Fair at Encanto Southern Baptist Church

Encanto Southern Baptist Church had a Community Outreach Fair on Saturday, June 10, 2023, from 10 am-3 pm.  There were 260 people in attendance.  We had several game booths, a prayer booth, … more

Pillar Church San Diego Blesses the Community

On Saturday, June 17, 2023, Pillar Church San Diego put on an event to bless the military community that lived right across the street from Cabrillo Heights Park. This was the third blessing … more

Addressing the four major gaps in student ministry

There are usually two types of people when it comes to setting the alarm to wake up in the morning. Person number one (this is me) – sets the alarm for the last possible minute to when you … more

Lifeway’s 2024 VBS beach theme places kids on rock-solid truth

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (BP) –  “Truth can be different for different people. Do what makes you happy. If you don’t agree with me, you don’t love me.” These are just … more
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