By Shadow Mountain Community Church en Español
To create an atmosphere where kids love to be and parents want their kids to be, we yearly celebrate Kid's Day or Día del Niño as it is celebrated in Latin American countries all over South, Central, and North America. This year we incorporated several unique elements to make the event even more attractive - an event one would not want to miss.
Like many churches, we want more than anything else to bring people to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and then to have them ultimately follow him. Where better to start than with our kids. Instead of the world molding them, we must endeavor to combat every principality and power that may try to attack biblical views. Consequently, our goal for 2023 is to make Shadow Mountain Community Church en Español a place kids want to be.
The first part of the event was held inside the sanctuary, where nearly 40 children and adults performed a theatrical drama called THE POWERFUL ONE. The drama had as its theme a rowdy, mean cowboy who, after learning about Jesus, accepted Him as Savior and Lord. After the drama, Pastor Erick Zaldaña guided a three-member panel to speak on a very contemporary subject Ministering to Children with Differing Abilities. A child therapist, together with two mothers from our congregation who have children with disabilities and therefore differing abilities, formed the panel members. It was interesting for each mom to speak to the impact and effects of a childhood medical diagnosis on the family as a unit and the mom as a person. It was undoubtedly a time for both retro and introspection.
After the presentation, the congregation went outside to celebrate a beautiful sunny day in San Diego, where our Children's Ministry team manned the snack stations. We had popcorn, cotton candy, and snow-cone machines so the children and their parents could enjoy a time of fellowship and celebration. We also had a Trackless Train that brought big smiles to all who rode it and was the biggest hit with the kids.
The team of volunteers began early; after setting up, they prepared more than 100 quantities of each snack in advance to avoid long lines. These volunteers are the core of our church not only because they are dedicated to bringing the Word to our kids but also to engaging them with fun activities. Each team member was proactive as he anticipated the crowd's needs.
At our Encinitas and North Park Campuses, the entire congregation was involved in this outreach event, with more than sixty people (60) in attendance at each. The bouncing house and the aluminum/wooden racecar track were favorites among the attendees. Above all, the best thing about the entire day at Encinitas was the celebration both on earth and in heaven for Christian, a six-year-old child that accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. To God be the glory!
Each child and adult who came to church on Día del Niño went home feeling loved, pampered, and well cared for by our team of volunteers.