Wednesday – June 26, 2019


“Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you.” – Deuteronomy 16:17

Pastor Brian Kluth wrote the following: “After my ‘40-Day Spiritual Journey to a More Generous Life’ book became an unexpected bestseller, I was contacted by NBC to do a TV news story. When the TV reporter interviewed me, she asked, ‘So, you think God wants everyone rich?’ I said, ‘No, I don’t believe that.’ She was a little surprised by my answer and then asked, ‘Well, what do you believe?’ I responded, ‘I believe that everyone needs to learn to become more generous with whatever God has given them.’ She then asked, ‘Well, didn’t your book becoming a bestseller make you rich?’ I replied, ‘No, it helped me become more generous!’ The truth is--every one of us in America is rich when you compare us to the rest of the world. What each of us needs to learn is how to become more generous with whatever God entrusts to us.”

We need to be faithful in giving to the Lord’s work. Today in prayer, praise the Lord for all that He has given you and seek to be a cheerful giver to His work.

“God loves a cheerful giver. He who gives cheerfully, gives better. The best way to show our gratitude to God and to our neighbor is to accept their gifts with joy.  Joy is a net of love in which souls can be caught. We impatiently await God's paradise, but we have in our hands the power to be in paradise right here and now.  Being happy with God means this:  to love as He loves, to help as He helps, to give as He gives, to serve as He serves.” – Mother Teresa

God’s Word: “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6-7