Wednesday - April 17, 2024


“‘Is not my word like fire,’ declares the LORD, ‘and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?’” – Jeremiah 23:29

In 1931, Dietrich Bonhoeffer began teaching at the University of Berlin. His pastoral ministry continued as a chaplain and a teacher of a confirmation class for young boys in an impoverished part of Berlin, choosing to live in their neighborhood. It was during this year that Bonhoeffer experienced a radical conversion experience:

“Then something happened, something that has changed and transformed my life to the present day. For the first time I discovered the Bible…I had often preached, I had seen a great deal of the Church, and talked and preached about it—but I had not yet become a Christian…Also I had never prayed, or prayed only very little. For all my loneliness, I was quite pleased with myself. Then the Bible, and in particular the Sermon on the Mount, freed me from that. Since then everything has changed. I have felt this plainly, and so have other people about me. It was a great liberation. It became clear to me that the life of a servant of Jesus Christ must belong to the Church, and step by step it became plainer to me how far that must go.”

God’s Word can change our lives. Today in prayer, give thanks to Jesus for His Word and spend some extra time reading His Word this weekend.

“Every word of the Bible rings with Christ.” - Martin Luther

God’s Word: “Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you.” – Psalm 119:91