What a Day to Serve the Lord!

Cruise Ship Crew Ministry in Action!


What a day to serve the Lord! To minister some of the crew members of Princess Emerald Cruise Ship and Disney Wonder Cruise Ship in San Diego.

Providing them with free transportation, praying, sharing the gospel and the love of God, and encouraging them to trust in the Lord and be grateful all the time.

Out of the nine(9) crew members, including two (2) Indonesians, six(6) of them prayed to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior. They are Sermyns (Sr. Dining Waiter), Eric (Waiter), Michael (Waiter), Karen (Dining Attendant), Fidel (Waiter), and Walter ( Sr. Dining Waiter).
And two (2) from Disney Wonder Cruise Ship and they are Ben (Sr. Prod. Specialist) & Romy (Prod. Specialist).

Please pray for their spiritual growth, together with the other three hundred eighty (380) new crew believers.

* Cruise Ship Crew Ministry total acceptance: