The Pathway to Humility


Leaders can often become their own biggest obstacle. When they start to see fruitfulness in their ministries, they may be tempted to make everything about themselves. This, of course, is pride.

Maybe you haven’t thought about how destructive pride can be in your life, but the Bible says it’s the root of every other sin.

Pride leads to conflict, prevents personal and ministry growth, leads to anxiety—and it angers God. The opposite of pride is humility. That’s the one characteristic I want to develop in my life more than any other. Leading a church is a heavy responsibility. It drives me to my knees. I cannot do it without God’s help. You can’t either. 

Humility is a choice. It is something we do to ourselves. 

So how do we develop it in our lives and ministry? Start with these five steps.

Admit your sins honestly.

We all sin, but the Bible is clear that God is ready to forgive us. Proverbs 28:13 says, “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance” (TLB). I believe in the God of second chances. God gives second chances (and third, fourth, and hundredth chances) to the humble.

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