Presents or Presence?


Editor’s note: Fred MacDonald is the Executive Director and Lead Missionary for the Dakota Baptist Convention.

There are many words that can be used to describe God: holy, just, righteous, merciful, sovereign, gentle. I’m sure you can think of many more. One of my favorite adjectives for the Father is gracious.

Our God is no Scrooge when it comes to sharing what is His with those He loves. He is a giving God. His kindness overflows with great abundance. Whenever I give what I consider to be gracious to someone, He always give more.

In Psalm 18:35-36, David challenges us to enumerate all of God’s grace gifts. In these two verses he starts the list with four blessings he had personally experienced from the hand of God:

         1) “You have given me the shield of your salvation

         2) “Your right hand supported me

         3) “Your gentleness made me great” (“Your humility exalts me” – CSB)

         4) “You gave a wide place for my steps under me and my feet did not slip

Salvation, support, strength, security … four treasures for which the shepherd king would willingly trade everything or pay any earthly price; yet, given freely by the One whom David called, “my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:2).

Interesting. Do you see a parallel? Each word or phrase David uses to describe God in verse 2 to open this psalm is also descriptive of the four gifts from God that he exalts inverses 35-36. These blessings were not simply spiritual items that God went shopping for and thought David could use. The real present was God Himself. As Israel’s king opened his presents of salvation, support, strength, and security, he recognized that the true gift was the Giver … the King of kings.

Throughout his life David learned that the best way to seek and enjoy God’s presents was to seek God’s presence, to seek God Himself. When the Ark of the Covenant was brought back to its rightful place in Jerusalem in the early days of his reign, David called the nation to, “seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face always” (1 Chronicles 16:11).

Then, as his life and reign drew to a close and he was ready to pass the scepter (along with the responsibility of building the Temple) to his son, Solomon, David challenged his heir and his people to, “set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God” (1 Chronicles 22:19). He invited them to receive God’s presents by seeking His presence.

Nearly 1,000 years later, God stepped boldly into history with another present. Imagine the surprise of those who were at Bethlehem’s manger and those who came to know Jesus in the years to come to discover that this gift was none other than Emmanuel … God with us! In presenting Himself, wrapped in humanity, God was once again giving salvation, support, strength and security! Our awesome God never changes!

The best gift that will be given this Christmas is the gift of God, Himself; or, as the song goes, “The best gift of all is Jesus.” As you seek God’s hand of blessing, seek God’s face. As you enjoy His grace-filled presents, recognize that it is His holy presence that brings salvation, support, strength and security. This is how to have a blessed Christmas and a Christ-filled 2025.

One final thought . . . if God’s best present is His presence, what present should we make of our presence in the life of those we love?

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