Wednesday – June 8, 2022


“The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’” – Exodus 33:14

In his book “Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You”, Christian author John Ortberg gives commentary on the phrase “He makes me lie down in green pastures” found in Psalm 23 verse 2 and our need for rest:

“‘He makes me lie down.’ He doesn’t invite us to lie down. He doesn’t plead with us to lie down. He makes us. When it comes to the rest we need to restore our souls, we’re like our own little children at bedtime. Kids just don’t want to go to bed, no matter how tired they are. So at some point as good parents, we pick them up, carry them into their bedrooms, and make them go to bed. Is it bedtime for your soul?”

The Lord desires to give us rest. Today in prayer, rest in Jesus, knowing He will be with you and provide for you throughout all eternity.

“Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength. It is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.” – Charles H. Spurgeon

God’s Word: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28