Finding balance: How to take care of your soul during holiday rush


First appeared in The Alabama Baptist, November 18, 2024 issue.  Used with Permission.

As the world rushes forward with holiday preparations, we can feel like we’re losing ourselves in the process. Life can become a stressful rush, a soul-crushing blur, the beauty and joy of the season drowned out by crowds, meaningless activities, and constant noise.

Finding balance means slowing down, allowing God to quiet our hearts, renew our souls and keep us focused on the blessings God provides and the event of Christ’s birth. This time of year invites us to reclaim that balance.

Practical tips

Here are some simple, practical suggestions to help:

1. Create a “sacred hour.” Set aside one uninterrupted hour each day to be with God. Use this time for prayer, meditation on Scripture or simply sitting in silence to let God renew your soul. This intentional pause allows your heart to focus on Christ rather than the demands of the season.

2. Turn off technology for a day. Designate a technology-free day where you disconnect from screens, social media and the constant stream of notifications. Focus on your spiritual health, read Scripture, journal or enjoy time alone or with loved ones without digital distractions. This break can help you reconnect with God and others.

3. Build in “margin.” Purposefully leave space between holiday events, family gatherings and Christmas preparations to give yourself breathing room. Allowing margin can prevent feeling rushed and stressed, and provides time for spontaneous moments with God to pray or simply rest in His presence.

4. Practice “gratitude journaling” focused on God’s blessings. Keep a journal throughout the season and list specific ways you’ve seen God’s love and grace each day. Focusing on gratitude can help shift your mindset from the frantic demands of the holidays to an attitude of thankfulness and joy in God’s provision, bringing peace to the soul.

5. Embrace “silent evenings.” Set aside a few evenings during the week where your home is free from external noise. Create an atmosphere of peace by lighting candles, softly playing Christmas hymns and enjoying a quiet time of reflection. This practice can help restore a sense of calm and reconnect the family to the Christ of Christmas.

6. Pray the names of Christ. Make each day of Advent a time to focus on a different name of Christ. Reflect on the meaning behind each name and what it reveals about God’s character and love. Let this deepen your connection to the story of Christmas and quiet your spirit as you focus on Jesus (see sidebar).

7. Reflect on God’s promises. Write down a verse that speaks to your heart and place it where you can see it daily. Reflect on how God’s promises are fulfilled in Christ’s birth, and let those truths bring calm to your soul during hectic times.

8. Practice the “art of surrender.” Take a few moments each morning to surrender the day’s plans to God. Pray over your schedule and ask His guidance to navigate the busyness with grace. This can help shift your mindset from trying to control every detail to trusting in God’s timing and provision, reducing stress and cultivating peace.

9. Reflect on the “simplicity of the manger.” Make time to meditate on the humility and simplicity of Christ’s birth in a manger. Allow this reflection to shape your approach to Christmas. Simplify your celebrations by focusing less on decorations, parties or gifts, and more on experiencing the quiet wonder of God coming in the form of a child.

10. Focus on the gift of forgiveness, making it a central part of the holiday season. Reflect on how Christ’s birth is the ultimate act of love and forgiveness. Take time to forgive past hurts or unresolved conflicts with family or friends. Ask God to forgive you. This practice brings healing and releases burdens, allowing you to celebrate the holidays with a lightened heart and restored relationships.

11. Find small, quiet ways to serve others without expectation of recognition or repayment, including leaving anonymous notes of encouragement, unexpectedly buying coffee for someone or helping a neighbor with a task. These acts of kindness keep our focus on the heart of Christmas — loving others as Christ loved us — and help us keep balance in our lives and Christ’s love in our hearts.

The biblical names of Christ

Below is a list of 10 names of Jesus Christ:

1. Immanuel: “God with us” (Is. 7:14, Matt. 1:23) Signifies the incarnation of God, coming in human form to dwell among us, emphasizing God’s nearness and presence with His people.

2. Messiah: “The Anointed One” (John 1:41, Dan. 9:25) The One chosen and anointed by God to save His people. Jesus is the fulfillment of prophecy, the Savior sent to redeem humanity.

3. Prince of Peace: “Bringer of Peace” (Is. 9:6) Highlights Christ’s role in bringing ultimate peace — between God and man, and within the hearts of believers through His sacrifice.

4. Lamb of God: “Sacrificial Lamb” (John 1:29) Jesus is called the Lamb of God because He is the perfect, sinless sacrifice who takes away the sins of the world.  

5. The Good Shepherd: “Protector and Caregiver” (John 10:11) As the Good Shepherd, Christ is the one who lays down His life for His sheep. He cares for, guides and protects His followers.

6. The Way, the Truth and the Life: “The Source of All Truth and Life” (John 14:6) Jesus proclaims Himself as the only way to God, the embodiment of all truth and the giver of eternal life. He provides the path to salvation.

7. The Light of the World: “Bringer of Spiritual Illumination” (John 8:12) Jesus is the Light of the World, bringing light to darkness, revealing the truth of God and illuminating the way to salvation.

8. The Alpha and Omega: “The Beginning and the End” (Rev. 22:13) Christ’s eternal nature, showing He is both the creator of all things and the one who will bring all things to completion.

9. Son of God: “Divine Son of the Father” (Matt. 16:16, John 3:16) As the Son of God, Jesus shares in the divine nature of the Father, affirming His deity and role in the Trinity.

10. King of kings and Lord of lords: “Supreme Ruler Over All” (Rev. 19:16) Jesus’ absolute sovereignty over all rulers, authorities and powers, signifying His ultimate authority and lordship.

These names of Christ reveal His various roles, attributes and ways He relates to humanity and God the Father. Each name brings out a different aspect of His character and mission.

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