Friday - May 12, 2023


“For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 2:21

Francesco de Pietro Bernadone was the fun-loving son of a wealthy merchant in Assisi, Italy. One day, while he was in his 20s, he was riding his horse when he encountered a dying leper. He was repulsed by the leper's open sores, but suddenly he saw a picture of himself as Jesus saw him. He jumped off his horse, put all his money into the leper's hand, and gently kissed the leper's hand. It was a profound spiritual experience as he died to self. He began to pray earnestly about what God would have him do with his life. He went to Rome and exchanged clothes with a tattered mendicant and stood for the rest of the day fasting among the horde of beggars. He was setting a foundation in his life to become Francis of Assisi.

The Lord calls us to look beyond our own interests and to look to the interests of God and others. Today in prayer, confess any sin of selfishness and seek to be selfless in all that you do.  

“There is no smaller package than a person all wrapped up in himself.” – Peter C. Moore

God’s Word: “Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.” – 1 Corinthians 10:24