Crossroads Newsletter
One day after Japanese forces pummeled Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, they reached the Philippines. Japanese planes destroyed half of the United States’ B-17 bombers at Clark Field near …
It is an immense privilege to engage with the transformative work of God in San Diego! This city, renowned for its nearly perfect climate and stunning beaches, is both a port and a border city and …
Emily Houlsworth strolled the car-lined parking lot with a mostly forgotten pumpkin bucket dangling from her hand. Her wide eyes flitted as soldiers, ballerinas, princesses, and firemen darted and …
Aimee Joseph leads women through 40 days of devotions from Colossians. Anchoring Our Hope in Christ Brings Us the Security We Desperately Seek. We live in a world filled with anxiety, …
New Song Community Church in Oceanside, CA, held its 24th annual Kids Camp (Vacation Bible School) from Monday, July 8th, through Friday, July 12th. 375 children ages 3-11 attended. What a …
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